Lift v3

by • Uploaded: Sep. 05 '07


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Description: logo for Coffee and Smoothie bar
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 3159

Lets Discuss

trulywelsh Sep. 05 '07

For some reason this logo appeals more to me than version 2, I think it is due to the simplicity of it and the way in which it would be easier to read if walking (past the bar) than version 2- dont get me wrong though, I LOVE v2 as well!

KGB Sep. 05 '07

thanks. float it and rate it, if you don't mind.

rfrusso Sep. 17 '07

I like both purple versions (just not the other, blocky one)... this one is just that. very trendy and cool looking. the 'onion' though is different and unique. I like both for completely different reasons. flip a coin!

inko9nito Jul. 13 '08

Nice! What font is this?

KGB Jul. 14 '08

custom. I just drew it in Illustrator. thank you.

OcularInk Jul. 14 '08

Nice typography, Brian. I like that f/t ligature.

KGB Jul. 15 '08

thanks. too bad they didn't use this one.


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