Agricultural company, owners of avocado orchards. Published in "Logolicious " and "Big book of logos 5".
Client work
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I don't like doesn't look like an avocado at all...the thing that always identify the avocado is it's big seed...try using that.
ReplyWell, he lives in Mexico, so it's for a Mexican client. I think that from a Mexican's view you would immediately see an avocado (I'm Mexican, and that's what I see). But maybe it would be better without the leave. And about the big seed, yeah, that would have made it easier to identify, but then there would be no trees within the avocado, so I think it was worth the risk.
ReplyThanks for the comments!, xzentrico is right, we call te avocado %22the pear shaped fruit%22, and your'e all right about the seed, i have some other avocado logos with seeds... in this one the goal was to enphazise the orchard.
ReplyThats very weird. Seems to me that no matter what nationality you are an avacoado looks like an avacado and a pear loosk like a pear no? this looks like a Pear, I'm confused?
Replyand no matter what nationality you can have typos LOL! King of that.
Replyi love love love this. very nice! i do see where they are coming on w/ the pear thing a little though...
Replythanks again everyone! iI promise not to design avocado logos with confusing pear shapes!. I live in one of the biggest avocado growing areas in the world, so I have designed several logos with this fruit, but usig the seed and a more rounded shape... comming soon to Logo pond.
ReplyI saw a pear at first too, but I still like it.
ReplyI know avocado and pears are what they are, no matter where in the world. But, Kenneth is right, he lives in a place where people are mostly like to see an avocado first than a pear. I'm from Costa Rica, and here, as in Mexico, avocados are so much more popular than pears. I completly understand the reason they are giving.*But I agree with xzentrico, maybe without the leave would look a little better a less like a pear.**Kenneth, yo creo que no debe preocuparse por lo que digan los demas. Este logo esta muy bien logrado, las lineas curvas son suaves y definen muy bien lo que usted y su cliente buscan. Usted tiene razon en cuanto a lo de la semilla: el concepto para representar un aguacate siempre es usar la semilla grandota que tiene, asi que me parece genial que usted haya decidido dejar eso de lado. El color verde oscuro ayuda bastante, pero tal vez lo que confunde un poco es la hoja. :)
ReplyI really WANT to see an avocado with all my heart :P but i'm sorry to say that PEAR is all I see...**y pues yo soy mexicano, de verdad que todo en este logo me hace pensar PERA PERA PERA tal vez porque no vivo en Michoac%E1n, el Estado del Aguacate :D **En s%ED como dicen todos la hoja no ayuda :( y bueno, la mayor%EDa de los avocados que he visto son de c%E1scara negra o verde MUY MUY oscura, con el interior verde p%E1lido, tal vez si quitas la hoja y cambias el verde oscuro que usas por un negro o lo oscureces hasta ese punto... obviamente es mi opini%F3n y repito, yo no vivo en tierra michoacana, solo ofrezco mi punto de vista mexiquense :)**
ReplyAgua pasa por mi casa, cate de mi coraz%F3n... quiero ver un aguacate, coincido con hitbyreideer (tocayo) yo veo una Pera tambien. perd%F3n paisas.
Replyvos sabes que hitbyreindeer tiene razon... Pues aqu%ED en Costa Rica hay aguacates tanto de tonos verdes claros y oscuros, as%ED como casi negros, depende de las especies por as%ED decirlo... Pero el color verde es m%E1s de la pera que del aguacate, no s%E9 si me doy a entender... Aunque igual no s%E9 de qu%E9 color son los aguacates del cliente de kenneth, y eso tiene much%EDsimo que ver..!*Mi opini%F3n nada m%E1s :)
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