Fusion Marketing

by • Uploaded: Nov. 14 '12


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Description: Student Project for a Marketing Business. FUSION MARKETING.
Status: Student work
Viewed: 600
Tags: #marketing

Lets Discuss

williamtdow Nov. 14 '12

Your design is awesome! I love how you used the concept of fusion (atoms splitting and releasing energy) to illustrate in your design. The two circles seem to me to be a cell and its nucleus with the \"blasts\" as released energy exiting from the center. I think this is the perfect design to represent the name. Well Done!

mallen58 Nov. 14 '12

Energy! That was I see. The Logo speaks for itself. Color is great. Design is clean and precise. Your focal point is FM good design technique. Has the feeling of a jacobs ladder. I enjoy watching for your designs.


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