may be good for small pharmaceutics company %)
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
%5E are you kidding? this is horrible for a pharmaceutical co. Very negative.
ReplyWhat do you mean, Mike? It's brilliant to associate a bomb capable of killing hundreds of thousands of people in an instant with a pharmaceutical company.
Replysad thing is, there probably is a market for this. I'll stick to my vitamins.
Replyit%60s a joke.*but for some extra vitamins or energy stuff - why not?**not for all bomb or weapons - taboo and something terrible.**sorry for my english )
ReplyMaybe one of those Caffeine, Guarana, fizzy drinks...I think it looks nice
Replybest for an energy drink
Replyor on a map for nuked sites :P
ReplyPerfect for one of those pseudo-legal party drinks you can buy at head shops and shit. %22Get NUKED!%22 I can see it now lol
Replythx all %25)**i think it%60s really have big field of usage. )
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