Big Visible

by • Uploaded: Dec. 20 '08


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Description: Rebranding proposal for Big visible. They're a small company providing "agile software development training" among other things. I wanted to integrate the letter "B" + "A Wise Owl" to create an iconic figure that was approachable but would get the message across. Feedback would be great guys!
As seen on: Kodespark
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1539

Lets Discuss

quson Dec. 20 '08

I didn't really see the owl, but more of a mask. Maybe straighten it out and/or work on the eyes to make it a bit more owly.

Kode Dec. 20 '08

I agree with you *quson*, I didn't think the mark was %22owlly%22 enough. I have updated the image after another iteration working on the eyes.*I am not completely happy but I think it was a step in the right direction.**Thanks for your feedback!

quson Dec. 20 '08

Definitely an improvement, but I'm still not sure I'd see an owl without knowing what I was looking for. Sharpening it up, playing with colors (doesn't need to be brown, see link number two below), or adding some sort of feather texture all might help. I googled %22owl mask%22 and found quite a few images that might inspire:****

Kode Dec. 21 '08

Thank you so much man!*When doing research for this project I looked at about 200 owl images and it was important to me that the letter *B* was still present and readable, so it had to be subtle and simple.*Your feedback and research has helped me a lot!***Updated*: This iteration addresses the issue of the mark looking more like a mask rather than an *owl*. I added a bit more owl shape to the face, everything else stayed the same. I think this is the most I can get away with before the *B* starts to disappear from the concept.**I would like to hear your thoughts!

quson Dec. 21 '08

The round eyes are my favorite yet, and it feels much more %22birdish%22 overall. I still see the B, too, but not so obviously as before. I'm not sure how important legibility was with that, but I like it as sort of a hidden design element. And just out of curiosity: was the angle on the face just to make the B more readable?

Kode Dec. 21 '08

Thanks *quson*!*The angle of the mark came to me when I was trying different layouts for the brand after I had sketch the *Owl within the B*. The client wanted something different with a fresh arrangement and the legibility of the %22*B*%22 was a bonus I discovered while doodling on my sketch book!**I think your help has been paramount to the achievement of the current logo, and I want to tank you for that!**Anytime you need some feedback on any of your projects let me know bro!

quson Dec. 21 '08

Glad to be of assistance. It's always easier to serve as critic than creator, though. **Anyhow, I hope the client likes it. I might have to take you up on your feedback offer someday. I'm currently working on my personal logo, so it may be a while before I get a paying customer. If you want my thoughts on anything else: [email protected].

Kode Dec. 21 '08

I would be happy to help you out, you can find my email address at the bottom of %22My Profile%22: page on my site.*I just recently finished working on my brand and many designers here, helped me out a lot!*And don't worry, it won't be too long 'till you start rolling out some paying logos! I was kind of afraid to go on my own after working for a design agency that paid me well:-) but freelancing is the best decision I ever made!


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