The main motive for the project is box with wings.
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
so cute, nice concept, i think u can show %22Mail picture%22 instead of Box
ReplyDead on -- concept executed really well! I especially love the slight gradient from bottom to top. Blink and you might miss it, but at some level the brain sees all. I noticed something 'different' right away...the gradient's subtlety drew me in and fascinated me. Plus, it shrinks well, and doesn't lose any readability. Nice, nice work.
Replynicee work
Replyvery funny, that's sympathic and clear... just one think, the type is very simple, too simple maybe.. an original type could make your logo much efficient.. but it's a good idea konradK!
Replyloved it the first time...loving it again :)
ReplyCute. I dig it!
ReplyLovely cute
ReplyThank you so much! :)
ReplyCool logo
ReplyHi, nice concept.. cool..
ReplyThank you pjmaster, pravin john.
ReplyThis one is so simple and to the point. Good job Konrad.
Replythanks McGuire :)
ReplyI like the simple iconic feel.
ReplyVery eye catchy and simple
Replythanks logoboom, sanjay patil :)
ReplyCaught it on BS, catching it here again. Fun mark!
Replythanks Michael :)
Replybeautiful :) Great one Konrad
ReplyI'm so very glad this one made it into the gallery. KonradK, you have some very, very nice work. Impressive.
Replytiko1232, JF Thank You Very Much.
Replyyour works inspire me a lot. you our style is impressive
Replythanks rabbit_hoang :)
ReplyJF Thank You Very Much.
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