Logopond Identity

by • Uploaded: Jun. 01 '15


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Description: Something different, moved more toward Nikita with round mark. If yall don't like these, ya'll can kiss my .... lol kidding... not really.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4086

Lets Discuss

ClimaxDesigns Jun. 01 '15

Logoholik i moved more toward it being a jewel like Nikita started.

logoholik Jun. 01 '15

Still not there, actual lily is ok with me. What i find is that lowercase lettering tend to be too playful for my taste in this combo...

ClimaxDesigns Jun. 01 '15

I think all caps is too over powering lol

logoholik Jun. 01 '15

:) yes, but logopond is power :) and it works better with circular logo as opposed with oval current one :)

ClimaxDesigns Jun. 01 '15

I may play with this type face upper case, but not rounded edge to me thats too trendy

logoholik Jun. 01 '15

Again, it must work with icon, rounded or not :) just need to be a bit more serious imho, pond is almost mature :)

ClimaxDesigns Jun. 01 '15

Added uppercase, I really think replacing the O in pond works the best for uppercase

ClimaxDesigns Jun. 01 '15

My wife said, "if you going to change it, 'change it'" 5th variation

samdemastrie Jun. 01 '15

The mark here feels weird. It's like I'm simultaneously looking at the lily pad from the top and the flower from the side. And yeah, now that you said it on Dribbble, I can't NOT see the Millennium Falcon. (Even though you aren't looking from criticism)

ClimaxDesigns Jun. 02 '15

If i post it, its up for debate, i understand that, no matter what the 'commenting status' says lol

I may pull that 'white leaf from 'in front'

logoholik Jun. 02 '15

dribbble is for hipsters... real men discuss logo stuff on pond... :p

KudosDesign Dec. 28 '16

Why are you so on to me? I don't understan at all? Have i done something woring? I couldnt change the user name on previous profile where i have about 40 designs posted so i have decided to start a new profile. And now i am sure i wont be galerized at all because you are man for that here. So probably i will remove this profile as well. I apologize if i was rude in any way. @ClimaxDesigns

climaxdesigns Dec. 29 '16

what are you talking about man, i was seeing logos that i know have been uploaded before and was trying to make sure it was legit to protectyou as a designer... why didnt you just ask me to change your username.... and if you did and didnt do it in a timely manner, hit me up again. whats your main account so i can change the username?

KudosDesign Dec. 29 '16

I was browsing trough settings and trying to change my main profile name but it was impossible so i have removed that account and created a new one. Sadly for me everything featured was removed. I have just started to upload old-new logos. I didn't know that it is possible to change name. I would like to apologize if i sounded harsh or if i have offended you. It was not my attention at all. Now i know go-to man if i need anything. Hopefully i won't have any problems.

climaxdesigns Dec. 29 '16

no harm done, well not to me anyway, yeah I cant bring back your other account if you deleted it :( reuplod I'll put as many back in the gallery as i can.

KudosDesign Dec. 29 '16

In any case i would like to apologize once again and thank you for all the help. Wish you happy holidays and all the best in 2017. :)

rotemo9735 May. 12 '24

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