I'm trying to redesign my personal logo. I need a PF monogram, with a sense of motion in it. Feedback appreciated!
As seen on:
pf • pixelflow
Client work
Lets Discuss
I don't mind the musical note.. but the FP is indeed a problem :(
Reply%5E and i'm also an MC. :D**ok, so.. is the FP readable in a bothering way? don't know how to put it. I'm also adding type to this, would it make any difference?
Replyfp, because it is read from left to right and the leftmost element in the monogram belongs to f.
Replyyea fp, look good though
Replythanks for the feedback. ok, so fp it is, but is it working? i wouldn't mind the order, let's say it's like %22the Flow within the Pixel%22. i guess what i'm asking is: is it necessary to read in the brand name order?
ReplyPersonally I think it could work with attached %22pixel flow%22 text. have you tried making the left and bottom leg the same lengths? might look too much like a fish but then fish do flow...
Reply%5EI agree with Glen. I did read it as FP, but text next to it would work well IMO. Nice!
ReplySure, logo designers might see the f first (since we like to disect logos from every angle), but clealry as a whole, the p is read first. I don't think you're going to have any problems with a general audience reading this as a p first. The f is more like a hidden my opinion. Go with it! Glen's idea is worth a shot.
Replythanks for the input guys, i'll try and add a type to this, see how it goes.
Replyvery strong mark. good job mate!
ReplyI have to say I agree with Kevin and thought that straight away when I first saw it.
ReplyI've updated the mark a bit (also tried what Glen suggested but i felt the P was losing legibility, also some balance). Added custom type. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Replyyep, I dig it!
Replycheers dude, good job
ReplyLooks great! Loving the new ID!*For the type, the only thing that's sticking out is the tail on the 'e'...there's something weird there? Otherwise it's sharp!
Replycheers mates, and thanks. @michael, updated the %22e%22.
ReplyI know of a good solution to your delima, if Pen Flare is cool with it.
ReplyStrong solution
Replynice job lecart...
ReplyThanks mates. @Mike. had to do a search for penflare, i wasn't around when he uploaded that one, hie PF monogram was indeed very nice (props to logomotive). anyway, i started to like this one quite a lot, so.. i guess it's official. Again, thanks for the feedback.
ReplyImpressive portfolio you have lecart %3B)
ReplyThank you for all your comments and floats. As I already mentioned, I really like your works.
ReplyNice logo this one but it does look like fp :(
Replythank you. i'll consider to rebrand in %22fair play%22 or smth. :)
ReplyYou did a great job on the execution. Judging by other people's comments, the main 'problem' is %22which letter is read as first%22 - and I agree, one could argue about the order. But personally I think you have combined it in such a way that it is a fair 50%25/50%25 chance to reach each letter as the first one, so it is all good and well. Well done, baieti bun!
ReplyGreat mark!
Replythanks guys.*@myob: nice insight, i'm not sure how long i'm going to stick with this one. i like the mark, but i'm considering to rebrand with my own name, in the future.
ReplyDoes anyone knows the font used in the text? Thanks.
Reply%5E Hey man, I've answered your email.
ReplyI have a thing for monograms, so am enjoying this one too! :-)
ReplyThis is one of the best logos
ReplyVery impressive. I really like that blue colour...and it�s very difficult to blend P and F together!! :)
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