Unused concept that I worked on when developing my own identity. Could be for a blog.
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
damn this one is pretty sick.. I like it.
ReplyJust perfect LGB.
ReplyMemorable! Cool stuff:)
ReplyA pretty sick, just perfect, jig inducing design! Couldn't ask for a better response. Thanks guys.
ReplyAnd I almost forgot %22memorable%22. Thanks nex.
ReplyOh and file this too Glen, %22not too shabby%22.*Nice color,type and mark it's clean as a whistle bro. good one.
ReplyVery memorable indeed. Love it, Glen.
ReplyGreat, Glen.
ReplyThanks Mike/Kev/Roy (maybe this one should've been my personal logo).
Replyand it has a much better looking face too %3B)
ReplyHere's lookin' at you...nido.
ReplyDid you end up not using it cause it felt to %22business like%22 (for lack of a better term) for a personal/designer mark. Bet you could sell it off no prob.
Reply@ joder: it came down to the 2 names (LoGoBoom and Logophile). I was torn but close associates swayed me to go with LoGoBoom because it was more fun and not as conservative (as you alluded). I still like both though.
Replybesides it sounds better than logophile might be considered as one that abuses logos.%3B-)
ReplyAnd you're welcome to it Jon...I won't fight you for either of those.
ReplyNow you sound like a client wilson!
Replythe folder tabs really make this one... it's great!
ReplyThanks for the comment logotivity
ReplyAnother great addition to your portfolio. Kudos Glen!
ReplyHey thanks dijock!
ReplyI think the face is equal to on of the delicious icons
ReplyI would agree that the face is not really unique. It's so simplified.
Reply... but you are sexy!
Reply...I'm also strangely uncomfortable.
Replythat shows in your face too...
ReplyYes, but not as sexy as your logos bro.
Replygreat work.
ReplyThanks nido, mike, optimus!
ReplyWhat a cool idea!
ReplyThank you jerron.
ReplyThanks Guy. Too much is never enough.**Are you the same poster that posted that? If so nice to see a good logo found a place, and if not, shame on the steal.**Are you the same poster that posted that? If so nice to see a good logo found a place, and if not, shame on the stealer.
Reply%22This project is awarded%22 Oops!
ReplyNo, I certainly did not post that. Thanks for the heads up numerous.**What do you guys think? Inspiration or plagarism?
ReplyPretty close to call Glen. Not to belittle your logo, but the basis of it (a box with files in it) is simple enough that it's possible that the other designer happened upon a similar execution. However, with that being said, taking into consideration the size and perspective of both boxes and files as well as the amount of files (4) and the overall shape of the file tabs, I'd say that it's pretty much dead on with yours - so much so that I find it more than just coincidental. I say it's a rip.
ReplyGlen, have you laid the two images over on another in photoshop with say 60%25 opacity? If the lines match up then its more than a coincidence if perspective is identical IMO.
ReplyI emailed back and forth with the designer. She was very professional. She agreed to change her design and even showed me two new comps that she was submitting to her client explaining the conflict. So seems like this one ends well. Thanks a lot guys.
ReplySo I'm assuming it was a case of %22borrowed interest%22 on her part and that she admitted to it?
ReplyShe claimed to never have seen this. I did not press the issue since was very quick to adjust and to explain to her client. Can't ask for more than that I suppose. Appreciate, again, the comments.
ReplyThis is great work. Love it. Nice job, logoboom.
ReplyThanks JF!
ReplyTY KB
Replyreally nice work here. i've missed some solid logos from logopond past.
ReplyThanks Colin...I still need to do something with this one.*
ReplyI see a face!
Replynice concept
ReplyThanks NY!
ReplyReally nice ...
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