Olivia's Patisserie

by • Uploaded: Jan. 09 '09


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Description: What better way to illustrate how delicious her sweets and cakes are?
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2728

Lets Discuss

firebrand Jan. 09 '09

Nice gt but did you consider using a knife instead?

LoGoBoom Jan. 09 '09

Hmmm that could work too. I was thinking of it a single serving dish rather than the whole cake etc. But I think either could work. Thanks Roy!

firebrand Jan. 09 '09

On the night shift?

gyui Jan. 09 '09

I really like this LoGoBoom. Something really nitpicky, but the stroke on the right side of the fork as it overlaps the plate's rim is thicker than the stroke on the left side of the fork. Was that to create depth? Maybe even the sides out?

LoGoBoom Jan. 09 '09

@roy: ah, I get you. worth considering fo shizzle**@tony: thanks for lookin' bro**@george: it was intentional but I can see how it might come across as a mistake. will tweak as time permits (time? what's time?). Thanks for the comment. Keep me honest!


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