Bang for your Buck

by • Uploaded: Feb. 16 '09


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Description: Logo comp for upcoming HGTV program Bang for Your Buck. The program uses arrows as a "scoring" mechanism.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3372

Lets Discuss

logomotive Feb. 16 '09

think you should thin out the for your? You probably have more logos on TV,Big Screen than anyone here. %3B-)

LoGoBoom Feb. 17 '09

Yo Mikey! You're right...that %22for your%22 is a little pluggy for TV.*You can run but you can't hide. Sooner or later you'll run in to me at the movies or on TV!

gyui Feb. 17 '09

i agree with logomotive, and this is a small nitpicky suggestion, but maybe the arm of the %22k%22 doesn't have to extend past the x-height?%0D*%0D*Also, this will sound weird, but with the %22C%22 like that, reading %22buck%22 made me think of %22Buck Rogers%22. Don't know if you've watched that show, but the %22C%22 makes me think of that. (I don't think the buck rogers logo looks like that) :)

LoGoBoom Feb. 18 '09

@gyui: well if they don't go for this version...maybe I can sell it to the eventual remake of Buck Rogers :-)


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