Everybody loves a county fair!
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Why no comments? This is nice!
ReplyIt is nice!
ReplyWhy thank you for speaking up Kevin and ethereal. And for the quiet floats guys :)
ReplyGreat style Glen!
ReplyYee Hah michael!
ReplyThis one has flair! dabomb
ReplyYou have to have a slight flair to get your jeans over your boots. Thanks muse!
Replygreat logo. i would include some of the dark brown into the inside parts like the stars, might make the whole thing come together better. nonetheless great composition.
ReplyThanks emesghali. This one is the client's choice with some tweaks being made. We'll see how it pans out!
ReplyThis is the final! As seen at**(I did not design site)
ReplyLooks great on the site.
ReplyLooks sweet Glen.
Replythankya kindly folks.
Replycat or bull country? :)
Replyoh...sorry...this is my bad English
Replybulls yes...maybe some cats....mountain lions for sure as this is in the Rockies :-)
Replydidn't see this before, this is one county over from me (Mesa Co).
ReplyHowdy neighbor (kinda)
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