Logo for a sea shipping company.
Client work
Lets Discuss
This one's awesome, I love it.
ReplyWont this company get sued for using Seagate consideringȀE owns it?
Replyperhaps. removed.
Replycompletely different, non competing industries. they shouldn't have any trouble sharing the name. But, with how sue happy big companies are these days, probably not. if this company simply put a space between Sea and Gate, that would probably keep them from being viewed as infringing with the name. I would certainly inform the client just in case.
Replygreat. love it.
Replynice one.
Replystop putting this in the gallery guys Seagate is a national brand
ReplyI don't see how the two compete except for having the same name. that is not unusual for companies, however. I'm sure there are other logos in the gallery who share names with other companies in similar and different industries.
ReplyYou are of course correct, but being that seagate is a multi national billion dollar conglomerate, I'd rather not make much fuss about it being in the gallery :D their team of lawyers and depth of pocket is far greater than mine and I like the house I live in, if you catch my drift lol.
ReplyI strongly agree with David on this. I currently have a client that went bankrupt with lawyer fees simply because their clothing brand had the word 'Frutz' and was sued by Fruit of the Loom. Not even spelled the same, and still lost everything!
ReplyI would say that is different, however. Your client was in the same industry as the large corporation with a name that sounded similar. As for you David, Seagate cannot sue you for liking a logo design. All they can do is pressure you to take it down. The logo itself is not a rip and is very well thought out, designed and executed. Logopond is about all that, no? Not whether a giant company gets peevy over whether an artist's client's company name may be infringing on their registered trademark. Actually, it would be quite easy to look up Seagate's registration to see if it extends into other industries (and I urge the artist to do so). If it does not, they can't sue anyone. Certainly the name Sea Gate makes much more sense in this client's industry, ocean logistics, than the computer industry.
ReplyThis is a unique, lovely logo and should be in the gallery. If the artist's client feels such popularity may be poking a dragon, they should have the artist take it down or change it up.
Well argued, regallerized ;)
ReplyKinda of the same thing as Someone having McDonalds and McDonalds Construction.
Reply^ exactly. :)
ReplyNice little debate. I definitely learned a few things. And great logo, Yury. Definitely worthy of the gallery. Glad to see it made it back in.
Replygood Work
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