This is a quick mark i developed for my new brand.
Client work
Lets Discuss
Nice one...well executed...Jus wanted to know what it represents...
Replywell i was thinking it would show a craving for logos/ hence the bite mark on the A. Usually when i have cravings its for food- so that's how i made the connection. :)
ReplyIs %22A%22 a part of your name? Wondering why you went with this letter. Really nice execution, good look to it. Your name is Chico on your %22A%22 part of your last name?
Replylets just say %22A%22 was my test subject for this one- the idea is that i can add the bite mark to any logo element and create a brand from that. The A also shows the playful fun look im going for.
Replycool :)
ReplyThe way the A has the 'swirls' coming from it reminds me of the icing on a cupcake or even a soft serve ice cream cone. Was that intentional?
Replyyes- this is intentional / thanks kon
ReplyWell done mate!
ReplyLove this, its what made me click your page!!
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