Dent Cats v3

by • Uploaded: Jan. 30 '08 - Gallerized: Feb. '08


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Description: Logo design concept for a paintless dent removal business. They chase hail storms across the country,(mobile repair), and repair hail damaged autos. With this design I used a D and C and combined them, I noticed where they meet in the middle makes like a cats eye pupil so I added the yellow highlight to shape a cat's eye. The roundness of the D an C can also convey the pushing out dents.(edited just for clashmore :-)
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 6792

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Jan. 30 '08

My favorite so far. This one just feels right for the company. Love the 'Dent Cats' type too. I'm going to take a wild guess.....and say it's custom. Clever one, dude.

Oronoz ® Jan. 30 '08

Clever dude!!! Great solution.

logomotive Jan. 30 '08

@OC, thanks bro, I thought of you on this one actually, if you look close I also see DOC ha ha.*@Clashmore , thanks might do that.*@Oronoz, AH solutions if only clients saw the same way as we do.. :-) BTW I'ts pretty funny how you say je je for he he that makes me laugh. en espanol the j sounds like H jeje.

OcularInk Jan. 30 '08

By golly, it sure does!! Thanks for thinking of me. Lol!!

logomotive Jan. 31 '08

edited just for you Clash!

nido Jan. 31 '08

this is the one!... oh yeah.. im not the client... but if i was...

firebrand Jan. 31 '08

Nice converging shapes, Mike. Like em all.

logomotive Jan. 31 '08

@Clash, welcome*@Nido, hey do me a favor and let this guy know, LOL*@Roy, thanks bud hey when you going to post some more??

firebrand Jan. 31 '08

Soon mate, soon. Had massive hardware failures over past couple of weeks. Just getting everything on an even keel.

artboy Feb. 01 '08

Mate this is excellent - top notch concept. I keep coming back to your showcase and being blown away - not a dud in those 115 beauties!

chanpion Feb. 03 '08

Always taking it to the next level. Each version just gets better and better. Way to go Mikey.

logomotive Feb. 03 '08

@ Firebrand, welcome back bud :-)*@artboy, thanks bud, you got some dandies as well.*@Chanp, thanks buddy, yeah clients seem to do that to us huh, Hey it's MikeE or Mikee not Mikey LOL!

Respiro Feb. 04 '08

Great concept! The color scheme... I am not sure about it...

logomotive Feb. 04 '08

Thanks, but what's wrong with the color? think gray clouds ,gray cat. yellow cats eye?? humm.. color well could be a blue cat too I guess.

Respiro Feb. 05 '08

%22Thanks, but what's wrong with the color? think gray clouds ,gray cat. yellow cats eye?%22**Yes, cats have those colors but, in my opinion, because of the used nuances, your logo is lifeless...

dinamicdesign Feb. 05 '08

Really nice touch in the middle. Not sure about the finishing of the two letters, reminds me of the free-wireless sign.

lostangel Feb. 09 '08

Love this logo but I agree with the color comments. There's something drab about the color choices so far. Maybe more vibrant or more contrast. Something to show the storm chasing side of it possibly.

OcularInk Feb. 10 '08

I disagree about the color comments. This scheme helps evoke the cat eye idea, as well as, the dents being pulled out of the metal. To me the grey/silver with the yellow just works. But hey, this is all subjective...right? :-)

Tats Me! Apr. 21 '08

I stopped by to specially check this one out, brilliant one, i think the colors work well. its jus tat the color used in the eye seem to vary on each side. hope therz nothing rong wit my eye %3B)

13mu Dec. 17 '10

***all in FAV!***

BOPOTA Oct. 13 '12

I like what you did with a shape of a cat\'s eye and how it compositioned

and, in fact, each side of the eye placed on D & C creates that dent feeling...

However, the whole silhouette of the logo reminds me a butterfly, too.


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