While designing a logo for a legit pixel related web company I got a little sidetracked. Obviously looks more like a heart at smaller sizes. Just for inspiration, now back to real work.
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Great mark!!! I love this but I don't like the type...
Replyi dig it. such a nice simple 'heart' and 'h' ... i can see Yurko's dislike of the type, but as you stated, %22now back to real work%22 :)*cheers.
Reply%5E%5E Thanks guys, but Mr. Benton (Franklin Gothic) might get more hurt feelings than me %3B-)
ReplyI love it
ReplyLove all your %22pixelled%22 studies. Very cool!
ReplyPatrik, I appreciate the comment. I was very happy with this one fitting 3 concepts into one with only 14 pixels.
ReplyPerfect. The type's just fine.
Replyflushing out your pixel concepts?
Replythis is soooooo cute! i wish i could come up with things like that
ReplyThanks Roy %3B-)*Tconrad yep ya got it. *Julie, thanks no doubt you will...
Reply3 in 1 knock out!
ReplyThanks TC %3D)
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