
by • Uploaded: Jan. 30 '09 - Gallerized: Jan. '09


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Description: nosey
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Lets Discuss

lundeja Jan. 31 '09

Hey mike, question... how old is your website? As in, when is the last time you updated it?

logomotive Jan. 31 '09

98 why are you being so nosey?

lundeja Jan. 31 '09

Haha, sorry. I love puns, don't you?

epsilon Jan. 31 '09

Speaking of noseyness - what happened to Quisino ?

logomotive Jan. 31 '09

%5Esomeone found a very similar design %3B-(

penflare Jan. 31 '09

this might be my favorite logo you've ever designed mike.. wow.

logomotive Jan. 31 '09

Really Sean? cool, Thanks

OcularInk Jan. 31 '09

You hit this one right on the nose!

cerise Jan. 31 '09

nicely balanced and clean.

mavric Jan. 31 '09

great typo treatment mike, well done*i love it, mmm a human brother to nosario loooooool***CHEERS mike

ahab Feb. 01 '09

Very clever and great execution, mike.

Black ColourBash Feb. 01 '09

Awesome.. %5Bhahaa%5D, really Awesome!

tconrad Feb. 01 '09

reminds me a bit of my candy one. i think i like yours better though, different style entirely.

logomotive Feb. 01 '09

Thanks guys.*TConrad, I don't know about that, I really dig your Candy logo (clever).**%22You can pick your nose and you can pick your friends, but you can't roll your friends in little balls and eat them.%22**%22You can pick your nose and you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your friends nose.%22**ME

mushkabella Feb. 01 '09

very cute %3B) I agree with everyone...your logos are always clever. it's a gift.**completely out of curiosity...what percent of the LP logos would you say are fictitious vs. commissioned? it definitely won't change my opinion of your skills...i just want to know %3B) (if you don't mind)**keep it up!

mushkabella Feb. 01 '09

thanks nexqunyx. yes, it's really about what you're doing this for...and i really don't care either way.**my question was for you, mike...**if you care to share...

mabu Feb. 02 '09

Very creative. Well done.

logomotive Feb. 02 '09

Thanks guys.*mushkabella, that's a difficult question to answer because I never think of it that way but about 15%25 here is prob.for fun or just conceptual. this is my playground. I have too many logos to upload.**When an artist paints a picture and sells it do you ask how many pieces are commissioned? Most Artists I know do it because they love what they do and, do it purely because they are %22inspired%22 to do so. I create and love to see others create and it does not matter to me one iota if it was commissioned or not. If your doing it just for the money perhaps you should rethink your career. Do what you love and the money will follow.

logomotive Feb. 02 '09

I would like to add that the mind is a muscle. Just as you workout to strengthen your body muscles, creativity and creation stimulate the brain and you become even more creative and skill level grows.

raja Feb. 02 '09

mike, you don't have to workout in front of everyone though - you of all people, probably the best designer on the pond.**Now, when I get an idea for a client I have to come to your portfolio to see if you made it up already then, I have to leave the idea even though it may help a company so much...**How's everything else?

nido Feb. 02 '09

%22Now, when I get an idea for a client I have to come to your portfolio to see if you made it up already then, I have to leave the idea even though it may help a company so much...%22**dude.. no ship... but ive had that happen to me too!.. ain even joking!.. ive designed a logo for a company only to find it on page 57 of logomotives logopond showcase!.. it hurt!**but you are the best.. your the Arnold Schwarzenegger of logo designing!

logomotive Feb. 02 '09

You guys serious? sorry I pissed ya off Raja. GEEZE! There's a million ideas though?? sorry guys, the truth comes out.

logomotive Feb. 02 '09

And I thought we were friends %3B-(

raja Feb. 02 '09

we are just jealous dude**nido, group hug?

cobaltcow Feb. 02 '09

is it just me or is there a bit of a funny join between the descender of the n and the curve? seems like a bit of a kink to me..?

nexqunyx Feb. 02 '09

%25good eyes cobaltcow...I see it too, I thought it was just me. Not to worry...the master can fix it in no time:)%25

mushkabella Feb. 03 '09

oops...**Mike, sincere thanks for taking the time to respond to me %3B) I guess I stirred some things up. I have told myself the emotions would have come out no matter who/what was said.**No qualms here...just curiosity. I completely agree with you about flexing a muscle and getting stronger. Plus, it IS fun.**Okay, to be cheesy :: I'm sure you've heard this a million times, but your work---along with a few other portfolios on this site---are the reason I recently starting dipping my toes in the logo pond. I'm self taught...and I threw myself into it full-time overnight...anything I know I only figured out because a client requested it. Now, 2 years later, you might never know I didn't go to school for this.**My point? It's logos like NOSEY that make me (and I'm sure a million others) want to brainstorm and brainstorm...think outside the box...step in a new direction...and be better at what we do.**This can be so dull...everyone follow the leader...bla bla bla. Yet, with this, creativity inspires creativity. This is the entire reason for the site...%22Identity Inspiration.%22**The reason your logos keep getting chosen for the LP is exactly for this reason. YOU INSPIRE pull in users and viewers. So anyway, don't misunderstand my question. No explanation needed. I was just being nosey (sadly, yes, pun intended).**Anyway...way more than my 2 cents.**Peace %3B)

mushkabella Feb. 03 '09

No no no ClimaxDesigns. I know I'm new and know nothing about this...but maybe you can just allow people to pre-approve the comments on their logo pages...or choose not to allow comments?**Peace

THEArtistT Feb. 03 '09

I should probably put this in the forum and I will, but I wanted to, briefly, point this out: LogoPond is not just inspiration to me, but it pushes designers to be more forward thinking or rethink the old because of the reality that similarly raised/trained minds will and do design alike. It seems like it should have been something you could have foreseen. With so many designers uploading logos from every age and country, you are going to get a lot of similar design. Should I feel bad that a logo I came up with here in middle America happens to look just like a Japanese government logo from a couple of years back that is no longer in use? Does this mean I have failed as a designer? Does this mean the logo is a failure? I don't think so.

nido Feb. 03 '09

LOL!.. you're all taking this too seriously!.. look at my furrowed brows!

logomotive Feb. 03 '09

Hey it's happened to me to so we all good?

nido Feb. 03 '09

we all good!.. come here you little ducky.. c'mon.. aawww..**you still the man!

logomotive Feb. 03 '09

DUDE! wanna arm wrestle?

raja Feb. 03 '09

Hi THEArtist - I often am enlightened by your views on things and you participation in the I click your link to see your logo work and somehow its seems like a different personality after seeing the work

THEArtistT Feb. 03 '09

Raja, you'll have to tell me if that is good or bad, but feel free to move it to the forum. Don't want to bog down Mikes logo with more personal stuff, eh?

nido Feb. 03 '09

Raja is being 'nosey'.. %3B0)

Muamer Feb. 06 '09

%3E %22Do what you love and the money will follow%22.**Keep it UP, Mikeee :-)

penflare Feb. 07 '09

sooo much drama...

logomotive Feb. 07 '09

%5E I agree. We fight like brothers and sisters :-) I hold no grudge with Anyone and hope no here holds a grudge. Don't care for the drama though.

amphasis Feb. 08 '09

This is something different, something very outstanding. I like it.

raja Feb. 10 '09

what's life without drama!? hehehe

dbunk Aug. 04 '09

%3D lifez a drama, worldz a stage*%3D logoz a drama, pondz a stage

singaporet Aug. 06 '09

that a candy artwork.. cool


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