by • Uploaded: Feb. 04 '09 - Gallerized: Feb. '09


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Lets Discuss

logotivity Feb. 04 '09

hahahahahaaa!!!! AWESOME!

epsilon Feb. 04 '09

Mike, I don't think it's a good idea to fan the flames.

logomotive Feb. 04 '09

why not%3E the fire is already started. I'm the victim here ya know.

epsilon Feb. 04 '09

Based on comments in their blog, Bolidea *is* trying to resolve the situation. Maybe not as fast as everyone'd like, but they are. Mocking their logo only adds to the snowball.

logomotive Feb. 04 '09

Well I'm the last to know? They are not communicating with me anymore.Like I said all will go away if they just cooperate and No response at my end.

epsilon Feb. 04 '09

On unrelated subject - this is actually a pretty good logo :-)

logotivity Feb. 04 '09

now your talking alex!

logomotive Feb. 04 '09

thanks, I do understand your point I thought about it and thought it was a bit immatuer but then I said to meself I'm the one getting the raw deal so far so I posted this. It can be removed.

THEArtistT Feb. 04 '09

I would do the same thing in your place, Mike.

logomotive Feb. 04 '09

Thanks Toni NO Boloney.*thanks Trish appreciate the support from you. I hope this ends soon. I have waisted a few days and not making any money.

straycloud Feb. 04 '09

you know as far as logos go (not to draw attention away from all the drama) this is good. But for some reason I'm just not feeling that gradient highlight on the head.

logomotive Feb. 04 '09

Thanks straycloud,well if Artfox would just buy this logo it would all be over no more drama. See I tried to fix the problem.I agree with you about the highlight :-)

johnboerckel Feb. 04 '09

I've only been partly keeping up with the artfox issue, but dude...this is nice! It's smart and explains more than the old one. Maybe if they purchase this, they could gain a tiny bit of respect back from the logopond/design community.

sandhya Feb. 04 '09

this is a kicker logo for all that's happened!

logomotive Feb. 04 '09

Design friends Thanks for The support. I hear ya and see ya. let's stick together.

LoGoBoom Feb. 04 '09

Floated!**One must be careful choosing a side in a subjective matter. This ain't a subjective matter. Dache crossed a line and so far has refused to step back over to his side.**We like MIKE! We like MIKE!

logomotive Feb. 04 '09

Thanks Glen, dache did kinda of apologize on my other logo though. He did not quite get my name right as he has done before (seems like the only one here on LP out of umm so many thousands that has done that ) but any how he tried in his way. Thanks a bunchh bud.*

LoGoBoom Feb. 04 '09

Good to know cooler heads are prevailing.

logomotive Feb. 04 '09

well...getting there. For the Reciord though I have had no apologies from anyone other than what you guys have seen. In other words making face with you all but not personally to me. I know it's out in the open now but This all could have been settled LONG ago with a real apology. just email me hey Mike let's work this out K? I%3B'm sorry dude. yada yada yada yada, never has happened.**ME

THEArtistT Feb. 04 '09

well, if one were raised right, they would know you do yelling and apologies in private first.

logomotive Feb. 04 '09

thanks satya and trish*Robert, correction. It just went to heaven. %3B-) (the pond that is)

logoholik Feb. 05 '09

wtf? service mark? you're my idol... that's hilarious!

THEArtistT Feb. 05 '09

MarkingTime, there are points in your post I agree with, but there are two points I would like to debate. **First is the part about Mike's red fox logo looking like a rip of another was debated to ad nauseum a while ago. Mike has been in the biz a long time (almost as long as me). As was mentioned before, one look at his portfolio and you would know Mike would never rip. He doesn't need to. Has never needed to. Besides he had no prior connection to that blog or anyone in it. Neither were influenced by the other and so neither could have sued the other for copyright infringement. A very basic case of minds thinking alike. It happens to everyone. So going back to that is not relevant to the issue about Dache's apparent rip. **The issue with Dache is that he and Mike have been members of LogoPond for a long while. Both are aware of each other's portfolios. Both participate in LogoPond Forum. They hang out in similar online circles. There are several documented and dated instances where Dache was aware of Mike's logo and his liking of it well before he designed the Art Fox logo. Mike definitely had a case here.**The second point is your observation of Mike not being professional. Mike was not the original one to take umbrage with Dache's Art Fox logo. Mike's well meaning friends took it out of his hands to publicly air the slight from the get go. When Mike did make contact himself, Art Fox was already commenting publicly on the issue. So your outline of how to respond in a professional manner was/is moot.**As for Mike's current issue with Dache and Art Fox not apologizing in private first, well I think he'll have to go without. All was made too public from the start and therefore is ending in the same way. But as a passionate graphic designer, it is going to take Mike a bit longer than the art/design community as a whole to get over it.**Take your time Mike.

logomotive Feb. 05 '09

Raw Deal? are you kidding. I have spent the last to days trying see if this thing would be resolved following issues etc. all on my birthday by the way. I have kids 4 kids to provide for and design logos for a living. This is just a logo in which if Artfox wants it they can purchase it (1 solution). yeah it is a bit of a poke but It turned out nice so I posted it. I guess the feeling is mutual on hiring me :-)**I will be red flagging the logos the drama does not need go on anymore, it's draining.**ME

bartodell Feb. 05 '09

I guess he liked this one too. %22Hummm%22: at least in style.

logomotive Feb. 05 '09

This will be my last comment on this matter ( I think?).Then I will try to put things to rest.****ME**

gyui Feb. 05 '09

Nice responses THEArtisT and Tonfue! %0D*%0D*And Happy Belated Birthday Mike!

logomotive Feb. 05 '09

Plus I did the right thing here IMO and I feel that 99%25 of the designers here would agree with me on not selling under the conditions.

lundeja Feb. 05 '09

Selling it under those conditions would have made you a SELL OUT in my opinion.

epsilon Feb. 05 '09

-- fellas, don't feed the troll --

logotivity Feb. 05 '09

wow.. wheres climax at to ban this kid..

bartodell Feb. 05 '09

%22Remember, once you sell ME a logo design, it is mine to use (or not use) as I see fit in my wisdom (or more likely, my stupidity) Why should it change now?%22**This is not entirely true. It depends on the type of copyright release form you agree with the designer. Until you have a agreed and signed upon FULL COPYRIGHT RELEASE FORM the designer can limit your usage and profits. :)

THEArtistT Feb. 05 '09

MarkingTime has a strong opinion, but I don't think he is a troll. The language, however, in the one post is WAY too strong.**I personally think Mike did the right thing by not selling. However, MarkingTimes' perspective is valid as well.**To figure out your avatar, MarkingTime, go to the Forum. There are subjects there to help you deal with that.

lundeja Feb. 05 '09

@mark I think you are misunderstanding what I was trying to say...


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