Red Chamber

by • Uploaded: Feb. 18 '09


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Description: Hey guys, My first upload here is a Logo RE-design I am doing for a major Seafood Company over in America! Tell me what you think! Cheers, Mason Roberts MMagicDesign
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4012

Lets Discuss

Mason Roberts Feb. 19 '09

Hey guys, What do ya think!? :)

Mason Roberts Feb. 19 '09

Cheers Epsilon, It was semi-custom... I widened and thickened a Times Sans Serif font. Also the %22C%22 I made more circular and moon like! :)

renalicious Feb. 19 '09

The tight letterspacing makes your eye go right to that big gap around the 'A' - maybe you could remove the left stem of the 'A' and connect it to the 'H'?

logomotive Feb. 19 '09

I actually like the fish quite a bit. You need to widen the bowl or lobes on the C,D,R,B they are always slightly wider than the other vertical strokes or widths, especially the C,They look a little thin to me and I agree with the spacing issues. I like it so far though.

renalicious Feb. 19 '09

I would also say widen the gaps slightly on the fins and tail. It will make it more durable when reproducing it on under difficult printing conditions.**

Mason Roberts Feb. 19 '09

Thanks a lot for the crits guys! :) I'll work on the spacing and width issues as soon as I get some free time! **@ Logomotive: Glad you like the fish! I am his biggest fan! :P

Mason Roberts Feb. 19 '09

@ renalicious: Cheers mate, I'll work on that too! :)

eziemac Feb. 20 '09

Yo Mason!!**I'm liking the fish, mate, i'm his number 2 fan. %3BD

Mason Roberts Feb. 20 '09

Haha, cheers Ezie!!! :P

lecart Apr. 08 '11

Quite a nice logo!


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