Our Ladies Room

by • Uploaded: Dec. 08 '08


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Description: Logo for a private social network for women. Two women faces meet and create the form of a woman's dress. Also, resembles the key hole on the door of "the room."
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1768

Lets Discuss

THEArtistT Dec. 09 '08

I can see the woman's body with hands on hips in this. Very good. Font isn't great however. Something with a little less weight would be better.

itsgareth Dec. 09 '08

What about the two faces? %3B)

THEArtistT Dec. 09 '08

Talking to me? I thought those were obvious, but the body more subtle so I wanted to make sure I pointed it out. I liked that the two faces didn't make the more widely seen vase between them. I really think it is a great element of the logo. But the font...


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