Alterations by TONI

by • Uploaded: Oct. 26 '10


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Description: WIP. Is there anything out there too close to this?
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 1781

Lets Discuss

oronoz ® Oct. 26 '10

Looks fantastic Mike, Love the %22T%22 touch.

Mikeymike Oct. 26 '10

I know there are needle and thread designs out there, was just hoping this wasn't too close. If you have some Tony that would be cool. But don't take a lot of time, I may change direction. not sure.

logomotive Oct. 26 '10

I would'nt worry about it Mikey. there's a LOT of everything out there and this is unique IMO.

milou Oct. 26 '10

That's cool Mikey.

mcdseven Oct. 26 '10

A stitch in time saves nine, lovely job Mikey, love the extra touch on the T.

Mikeymike Oct. 26 '10

thanks for the comments everyone.*Thanks Tony. Wow and I thought there would be only one...two maybe. :) kidding. hey but none of them have a needle thread AND a spool of thread. Looks like I'm in the clean. cluttered, but in the clear. :) I'm joking of course.

fogra Oct. 27 '10

This looks great, Mike but it instantly reminded me of the A%26M Upholstery logo:

firebrand Oct. 27 '10

The chair in that logo looks familiar Sean. Remember that? %3B)

mcdseven Oct. 27 '10

%5E%5Ewhat you talking about willis?

Mikeymike Oct. 27 '10

fogra, thanks for the link. I think this is a tad different direction, but similar in a few ways. Its tough to do something now days that hasn't got an element similar to something else. I think its different enough.*And rudy, I had nothing to do with that chair! :)

JoePrince Oct. 27 '10

You're doing a logo related to needle and thread, of course there are going to be tons of similar iterations remedying the same style. I see no problem here Mikey, nice work.

firebrand Oct. 27 '10

@Mikeymike Of course. Someone posted an exact copy of that Gardner Design chair here a while ago.

Mikeymike Oct. 27 '10

roy, I was just kidding on me having anything to do with the chair. :) And yeah I remember a chair similar, can't remember which design. And it doesn't matter. All is good. I always strive to do something different, but sometimes we hit on something that is similar. That's fine it just makes me try harder next time.*Thanks for all the insight everyone. I do have another direction that I may post, but its pretty rough yet. Love the feed back, really do.

Mikeymike Oct. 27 '10

Thanks, Tony. I heard what your typin'. :)


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