Minot _v2 (color)

by • Uploaded: Dec. 28 '10


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Description: WIP. This is for Minot's Convention and Visitors Bureau. colored version, bw version can be seen at http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/124279
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2442

Lets Discuss

Mikeymike Dec. 28 '10

bw version seen here http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/124279.*Just toying with some colors and pattern direction. thoughts?

nido Dec. 28 '10

reminds me of something.... oh, if I could only remember...

Mikeymike Dec. 30 '10

yeah I know the technique has been used, but I thought this type was bold enough to place it within the font and give it even more excitement. Still toying with the color and texture possibilities, just thought i would see what feed back I got along this line. Client has put things on hold for a little, so i have some time. Thanks for the comment. If you find what it reminds you of let me know. I know the technique is totally new, but i haven't seen it in this type of hand script before.

jueves Jan. 02 '13

like the color palette


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