WIP. Logo which is used for a package label also. Still playing around with it.
Work in progress
Lets Discuss
Love it! All of the different typefaces come together beautifully!
ReplyThanks a lot, Jordan. yeah normally don't mix this many fonts, but it felt okay here. Glad you agree. Still working on it. cheers.
Replyit's always a pleasure to see an awesome type composing ... like the atmosphere ... colors and background ...
ReplyThank you Bernd. always a treat to hear you comments. cheers to also. :)
ReplyNormally, I would agree that using so many different typefaces in one design should be considered a no-no, but this is a clear example of a seasoned designer knowing the rules, but choosing to break them to achieve a certain aesthetic.**I think the mixing of typefaces really works here. It's highly reminiscent of hot type (hand-set metal type) from the olden days of printing, and what you see being cranked out by letterpress and screen-print companies like Yee-Haw Industries ( I think it sets a really strong mood, and really fits with a company that makes BBQ sauce. **Are these custom typefaces, Mikey?**At any rate, very well done.
Replywell thanks, Jon. thanks for the link also, fun looking stuff and I like that old hand set look on certain things that is.**%22Ann's, sweet and BBQ are all custom type I did. There probably is something out there like it for sure, I just never looked.*%22Sticky Licky%22 is a very slightly modified font called Engravers.*And the %22sauce%22 is a modified font called %22Black oak.%22*I am working now on a font for the %22HOT%22 sauce label. everything should stay the same except the word hot will replace %22sweet.%22**Thanks for the comment, means a lot.
ReplyYou deserve it, brutha.**And ahhh yes, Engravers and Black Oak. Love those faces, as well as anything reminiscent of 19th century/western-style type:*
Reply%7Bthese are one of those threads where you listen to the titans talk to each other and steal some tops%7D
ReplyJon, thanks for the jpg attachment, sir, nice piece.**raja, good one. (:
ReplyNice, Mike. Dig the composition of the type and great custom work. Hankering for some ribs now.
ReplyThanks, Sean. Heading home now for some BBQ chicken. OH YEAH! later.
ReplyOMG. Ribs. BBQ chicken. I have neither, but I *DO* have some BBQ sauce that's moved with me 3 times in the past 3 years and a 1/2 bushel of apples. If I can manage to crack open the BBQ sauce bottle that's been sealed shut for over a year, maybe I can make some magic happen.**If I mysteriously stop posting after tonight, well, call a doctor. And the CDC.
Replyhope your feeling ok today, Jon.....Jon....JON!!!!***:)
ReplyWHEW. Reeeeeeeeally strange dreams last night. Hey, is it normal to be able to %22smell someone's brain%22 when they talk to me?
ReplyOh no, that's perfectly normal. Happens to me all the time. (%3B
ReplyBrilliant type mix.
Replythanks, JP.
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