Wise Design

by • Uploaded: Jan. 03 '13 - Gallerized: Jan. '13


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Description: WIP. just a little something I'm working on with a new font I am trying to develop. what ya think?
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 21045
Tags: smart thoughtful BW design

Lets Discuss

logomotive Jan. 03 '13

love the Mark Mikey, think the type is too much though?

Mikeymike Jan. 03 '13

Hey BIG Mike, yeah you are probably right.
I just wanted something that stood out a bit. Something that made a person take an extra bit if time to explore the whole design. I could have gone with simple clean type, but just felt I wanted to explore this route. It really won\'t be a logo per say, but more of a piece of a promo design I\'m working on.
Your right though, the mark would stand out much more with cleaner type. But everyone does that!
Thanks man. I always appreciate your critiques, truly. They have always helped.

RaitG Jan. 04 '13

the letters looks some strange but I think it\'s good contrast

sdijock Jan. 04 '13

Another winner Mike.

garychew1984 Jan. 04 '13

i love the idea! nice

Mikeymike Jan. 04 '13

Tomas, I\'m sure the owl and your chameleon will play nicely. :D THX!
Rait, thanks for the feed back. yeah I just wanted to try something different.
Steve, cheers, bud. THX.
Gary, thanks, man. appreciate it!

chanpion Jan. 06 '13

Possible future mark change Mikey? Cos that bird is amazing!

Mikeymike Jan. 07 '13

THX, Chanpion. I think I\'ll stick with the pencil/bulb, its worked for 34 years so far, so its kind of grown on me.
But I hope to use this one with some material I\'m working on for a personal piece. So I hope to place it into action. Cheers.

pausedsn Jan. 07 '13

One of your best definitely.

Mikeymike Jan. 08 '13

Thanks for the nice compliment, Jovan.
Appreciate it!

cnasshan Jan. 10 '13

I love your solution for the \'G\' everything is fantastic!

Mikeymike Jan. 10 '13

Thanks, Nash. Still working on some of the letters for the whole set.
O and C are giving me the toughest challenge so far.


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