
by • Uploaded: Feb. 14 '10


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Description: Don't know if this has been done before. maybe not a good one to post after valentines day, but.....:)
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 1875

Lets Discuss

kathariney Feb. 14 '10

mikey, received hate mail from an angry ex on Valentine's day? %3B)

nitish.b Feb. 14 '10

what if the envelop flap is rotated 180...maybe it will look like an angry face..:)**%5E %3C---like this..but i like the concept

Mikeymike Feb. 15 '10

sorry about your own personal hate mail Kath.**thanx for the suggestion, nitish. I tried it and thought it looked a tad sad then. I'll take another peak.*

ethereal Feb. 15 '10

Ha, that's good. I like this one. Only suggestion would be type may need to be bolder and not sure you need the glow, might seem more clever with out it.

kathariney Feb. 15 '10

mikey, lol that was a question directing to you. and nah, i never received hate mails. (tho, tons of viagra mails in my junk instead.....) but don't start sending me hate mails hehe .

Mikeymike Feb. 15 '10

HA! HA! sorry Kath. after seeing all your %22drop dead chocolate%22 i miss read your comment. me bad. :) All is well on my mail, no hate...yet.**Thanks for the suggestion ethereal. i'll take a look see.


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