by • Uploaded: Feb. 15 '10
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Description: One of those days.:) WIP Status: Just for fun Viewed: 1990 Share:
%26*%A3@) %A3?, %5E7%A3%24%26*@:, @%24%26*%7D, rant over, very nice Mike, think the bubble says it all!
**** u...oh crap...where do I sign
can I get a discounted membership? come ooooooooooon! *lol
sessions start every friday, 4:30 pm. %3B) No AE's or clients allowed for the first four sessions.*Kidding.
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%26*%A3@) %A3?, %5E7%A3%24%26*@:, @%24%26*%7D, rant over, very nice Mike, think the bubble says it all!
Reply**** u...oh crap...where do I sign
Replycan I get a discounted membership? come ooooooooooon! *lol
Replysessions start every friday, 4:30 pm. %3B) No AE's or clients allowed for the first four sessions.*Kidding.
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