by • Uploaded: Mar. 31 '10


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Description: WIP. wordmark concept for a company that designs and engineers custom manufacturing equipment for large factories that turn liquid into a powder form. Same project as and
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4521

Lets Discuss

JoePrince Mar. 31 '10

The O feels out of place Mikey...might be best with the vertical cut through it just like the C. Like where it's going though :)

Mikeymike Mar. 31 '10

yeah, Joe I was looking at that, but there main machinery is huge blenders. I thought I could bring that into the type in a way that helped define what they produce. thoughts. maybe turn it vertically?

Mikeymike Mar. 31 '10

Joe, changed the angle of the %22O%22 on this one.. what you think. better balance?

Lecart May. 04 '10

I like the look of this. i think it looks nicer without the distracting drop shadow.. ?

Mikeymike May. 05 '10

I agree Lecart. I just placed that shadow on this one to make it have more contrast for show. Thye never chose this direction. But I liked where it was going. Thanks for commenting.


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