odin snowboards

by • Uploaded: Jun. 16 '09


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Description: Concept logo for a snowboard or snow gear company. In Scandinavian mythology, Odin is the god of victory and creation. The mark is a letter O (obviously), a ski hill, and a subtle horn from a viking helmet
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 7004

Lets Discuss

cseven Jun. 16 '09

Very nice combination of elements in the mark.

tasbo Jun. 25 '09

really nice mark

Tømme Jun. 26 '09

congrats! that's an awesome mark

gustavocadar Jun. 26 '09

But yours is much better

QuirkDesign Jun. 26 '09

I appreciate your comments, guys. When you go for simple, there are going to be similarities. It's the little touches that differentiate it. That, and being used in a different industry.

apsaracreative Jun. 26 '09

Actually it immediately reminded me of the Mammoth logo by Hornall Anderson. The concept/industry is very similar except theirs also doubles as tusks.**http://identityworks.com/also_noted/Mammoth_Mountain_144.gif*http://www.hornallanderson.com/%23/project/75/0/*

QuirkDesign Jun. 26 '09

Apsara - Now that's a real stretch. Nice try though.

jennyb Jun. 26 '09

Awesome work Jeff! I actually find it to be quite unique in it's own right :)

mdlogo85 Jun. 26 '09

Wonderful... good job!!!

QuirkDesign Jun. 27 '09

Thanks Shaun. I spent quite a bit of time on line weight. Glad you noticed :)

OcularInk Jun. 27 '09

Nice combination of elements, Jeff. None of the logos mentioned look like this one. Yea, sure there are similarities, but come on!! Reminds me of this, reminds me of that...blah, blah, blah.

mabu Jun. 28 '09

Fantastic! The mark really suits the typography.

JohnM Jun. 28 '09

lol! its funny when people talk about similarities!! all the logos mentioned are poles apart! and this one is truly superior!

QuirkDesign Jun. 28 '09

Thanks Mabu and John :)

bluegg Jun. 29 '09

Lovely mark. Something so simple is always going to have similarities to others. It reminds me of the grooveshark logo - http://listen.grooveshark.com**I guess you've got to work out how many similar logos and how similar they are make it a trademark issue. Nice work never the less.*

n0xi3 Jul. 03 '09

Jeff, love this stuff man.. Represent that NC! Unique mark.. whoever buyers it is lucky!

QuirkDesign Jul. 04 '09

Thanks Noxie! NC, yo!

Petro Jul. 06 '09

Maybe something obout ski? I see two tracks on this logo :-)

2ccreative Jul. 13 '09

Very classy. I love it!

QuirkDesign Jul. 17 '09

Chris (cseven), John, Epsilon - I really appreciate your support guys.**I'm not opposed to people pointing out similarities, unless it's petty. That's one of the reasons I joined LogoPond, so I could get feedback on my work. It's impossible to have a mental catalog of every logo ever designed, so more eyes is a good thing. I do pay attention when someone points out something that is legitimately too close to something I've designed. In the crowded world of logo design, that would mean it would have to be pretty much identical.**I'm holding my ground here on principle. I don't want to send the message that I'm going to cave in every time someone points out a similarity.**Too often people tend to think the internet is a free-for-all and they can say whatever they like. Not so ... slander is slander.

alldesign Jul. 17 '09

I personally believe this logo is different enough that it's not an infringement on the other. Just my two cents. And, as a designer, I always keep in mind that...ultimately, there's really nothing new under the sun. Not that it justifies plagiarism when it actually does happen, but creative minds often think alike, even when it's not intended to happen. Blatant plagiarism is one thing, creative similarities are another. Good work, Quirk.

coy Jul. 17 '09

Quirk-great image. similarities in others.. YAWN.. you've excuted the style superior to any of the others pointed out. %0D*mmsweb needs his head checked and is lucky this site if so friendly, or he'd need a real flame suite. lol..

QuirkDesign Jul. 17 '09

Cara, Artspasm, Alldesign - Thank you for your comments and support.

QuirkDesign Jul. 17 '09

Thanks Coy, I really do appreciate it.

cseven Jul. 17 '09

Hey Jeff, I'd do the same if I was you - stick to you guns! Keep up the good work : )


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