Mrs. Fuchsia Vers 3

by • Uploaded: Oct. 02 '14


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Description: My artist name is Mrs. Fuchsia (because my haircolor is pink / fuchsia). "Fuchs" is the german word for fox, thats the reason why I wanted something that has to do with art & a fox. It's version nr. 3 and totally different than the versions before. Would love to get feedback!
As seen on: /
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2145
Tags: Pencil Graphic Design Graphic Designer

Lets Discuss

mistershot Oct. 02 '14

This is fantastic.The best of all three versions.Very artistic! :)

firebrand Oct. 02 '14

Interesting that the fox tail looks like the head of a horse running in the opposite direction. :)

ubishere Oct. 02 '14

Wow... love the dynamic feel to this logo design. It has a really fluid feel, although would be difficult to use on colour backgrounds.

nido Oct. 02 '14

There's a strong correlation between this and the hair you support in your profile picture. In fact, if I squint my eyes, I'm certain I see a smaller version of the logo.

Well done.

MrsFuchsia Oct. 02 '14

Thank you all for your kind words... :) I'm not sure if that is the final version, but good to get some nice features - and I'm obviously on my way!

logomotive Oct. 02 '14

I thought the same thing Roy.

kaimere Oct. 11 '14

This is pretty awesome


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