by • Uploaded: Mar. 24 '09
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Description: I was bored) Status: Nothing set Viewed: 1392 Share:
very nice.... i'd only edit the O.. placing it on teh same level of R, C and K.. great work though
Surprisingly legible!
got a very nice seventies glam rock feel to it. Nice
Thanks, guys!%0D*%0D*Riotdesigner, I have made some variations, but have chosen this one)
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very nice.... i'd only edit the O.. placing it on teh same level of R, C and K.. great work though
ReplySurprisingly legible!
Replygot a very nice seventies glam rock feel to it. Nice
ReplyThanks, guys!%0D*%0D*Riotdesigner, I have made some variations, but have chosen this one)
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