Eduardo Guerreiro

by • Uploaded: Aug. 23 '07


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Description: Logo for a wine proof company. Critics are welcome.
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Viewed: 5862

Lets Discuss

neverseen Aug. 23 '07

Critics are welcome.**The owner is not shore about what to pic. What do u guys thinks about this one.

KGB Aug. 23 '07

I like it but seem like the stroke on the mark could be thinner. And the name bolder.

neverseen Aug. 23 '07

yep i thougth about that. and the reason why i did it this way is becouse %22wine proof%22 would become too lighter, if u now what i mean. yet most important is the name so i try to do that. :D

DigitalCool Aug. 23 '07

I'd like to see the stroke on the wine glass logo to be thinner.*

neverseen Aug. 24 '07

ok i will stry that also,today a post the update :D

Jeff Fisher LogoMotives Aug. 25 '07

A very clever idea. In addition to what others have mentioned, the line breaks in the letterforms might need to be wider to avoid the image bleeding together in some printing applications which would cause you to lose clarity in the logo.

neverseen Sep. 07 '07

i see what u mean, thats true.*thanks again


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