
by • Uploaded: Jan. 02 '09


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Description: Logo can be used for any business. Doesn't have to be literal:)
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2298

Lets Discuss

nexqunyx Jan. 03 '09

thx! it needs work....but not sure what to do with it yet:)

choerte Jan. 04 '09

The concept is nice, but you could try and simplify the mark even more, maybe a tad too much going on.

nido Jan. 04 '09

i agree with choerte.. too much going on around the tyre/clock that the emphasis is shifted... try to simply and hone in on the clock!.. otherwise a nice idea...

nexqunyx Jan. 04 '09

Thanks for the feedback:) I know what you're talking about...and I think it has a lot to do with the colors. When I drew the jeep originally it had more details than what it is now. If you look closely at the jeep, you'll see that the elements and shapes are quite %22simplified%22. I think what makes it %22complex%22 are the colors. I will revise and upload a newer version soon:) Cheers!

logomotive Jan. 04 '09

Hi Patrix, nice concept. have you tried the jeep solid black and just a white outline around spare tire? Might even give the tire some tread? Or try another solid color? just my 2 cents.

nexqunyx Jan. 04 '09

Hi Mike, thanks for your review. I just posted a revised version: %3Cp%3E%3Ca href%3D%22* %3C/p%3E

THEArtistT Jan. 06 '09

I like this color version. Translates best for me.


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