by • Uploaded: Jul. 20 '08
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Description: My entrance No2 Status: Nothing set Viewed: 982 Share:
Nice wordmark. Feels modern, hip.
mmm...i agree. Very modern feel. nice.
Thx guys! *T in circle is made from %22t shirt%22 %22%AE%22 %22™%22 :D*My idea was to made simple, but original trademark symbol.*
%22™%22 %3D %22TM%22 :)
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Nice wordmark. Feels modern, hip.
Replymmm...i agree. Very modern feel. nice.
ReplyThx guys! *T in circle is made from %22t shirt%22 %22%AE%22 %22™%22 :D*My idea was to made simple, but original trademark symbol.*
Reply%22™%22 %3D %22TM%22 :)
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