by • Uploaded: May. 24 '10
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Description: wip for an NGO Status: Nothing set Viewed: 2382 Share:
Hey bud, where you been? Looks nice btw.
cool. And I do. (Donate blood) and everyone should , if they can. :) great design.
%5E%5E%5Ethx guys...*@joe..hey have been traveling around...:)
I've always wanted to give blood, just never got around to it...must get signed the mark btw, type would love sweet on that line!
%5E%5E%5Ethx buddy.
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Lets Discuss
Hey bud, where you been? Looks nice btw.
Replycool. And I do. (Donate blood) and everyone should , if they can. :) great design.
Reply%5E%5E%5Ethx guys...*@joe..hey have been traveling around...:)
ReplyI've always wanted to give blood, just never got around to it...must get signed the mark btw, type would love sweet on that line!
Reply%5E%5E%5Ethx buddy.
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