by • Uploaded: Feb. 15 '10
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Description: an organic food co. Status: Nothing set Viewed: 2450 Share:
This mark is lovely. So naturally captured move of the walking body. Congrats. Typeface is not fitting it well IMO.
%5Eagree. Tag line seems to be heavier than a name, it should be vice versa. I%60d also move TM somewhere else, it%60s fighting against the leafs right now. Otherwise, nice work.
%5E%5E%5Epoints taken
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This mark is lovely. So naturally captured move of the walking body. Congrats. Typeface is not fitting it well IMO.
Reply%5Eagree. Tag line seems to be heavier than a name, it should be vice versa. I%60d also move TM somewhere else, it%60s fighting against the leafs right now. Otherwise, nice work.
Reply%5E%5E%5Epoints taken
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