A kids book publication house.
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nicely done work nitish!
ReplyYeah this has a nice feel to it. Maybe get rid of that little spot on his beak. Hard to see when it's that small. Cool nonetheless!
Replycute bird, i'd want to see this against white background tho. *you know, kids....**somehow i like the beak... but it's too tiny... think you can try to make it more prominent or get rid of it (will it make it looks like a blue lemon?)*
ReplyNice, nitish!
Replylot of character to this one really like the style. I also think the beak could be just a tad bigger. it would make a quicker take that's its a bird. IMO. love it thought.
Replybig, joe, kath, eth, mikey..thx guy...**beak updated..%3C(
Replyye kath...the white ver here
Replyswimmer bug is back or its jus me...tool box reqrd
Replyjust saw this one.. it looks fab on black bg.... cool
Reply@sbj, thx bud*@ climax...whats an ill fix?
Replyexcellent work nitish... think that's meant to be %22I'll fix%22...
Replyhey nido..thx bud...:D
Replygood choice of colors against the white it meant to look like a tree though?
Replyi love it nitish!
Reply%5E%5E%5Ethx buddy
Replythis is brilliant, works so well with the black background aswell! good work
ReplyI like it!
Replythx buddy%5E%5E%5E
Replyalways liked this on, nitish. sweet indeed.
ReplyNice, I think it would be even better without the green blob.
ReplyI love the little birdie, but wasnt she already in the gallery?
Reply%5EYep this one:
Replycongrts nitty
Replyyes! nice :)
Replycool publication house!
Replylove the colours and agree the beak could be slightly bigger.
Replylike it very nice :)
Replyso nice
Replythe contrast in the logo is pretty intense and makes you focus on how friendly the character is...great job :)
ReplyI love it. It's cute, dynamic, clean and easy to underatand!*good job!**I'd like to see it in white background and in different colours too!
Reply%5E%5E%5Ethx boys and girls
Replywow - lovely sign
ReplyI like it, but the bird should look up... :)
ReplyGreat Stuff!
Reply%5E thx all
ReplyI also think the beak could be just a tad bigger. it would make a quicker take that's its a bird. IMO. love it thought.
ReplyReally love the shape of bird - even with this micro tail :P Colours also well chosen..
ReplyAgree, the colours on the black are perfect. Good stuff.
Reply100 )
ReplyCongratulations Nitish!
ReplyThough I loved it I somehow thought I floated it too! :)
Replylol thx boys...:)
ReplyLooks great, love it.
ReplyRaoul, Thx buddy
Replynice color
Reply^ thx atool
Replyfantastically wonderfull logo! what a nice!
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