Four Constructions

by • Uploaded: Feb. 23 '10


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Description: A "4" Construction company logo
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2663

Lets Discuss

nitish.b Feb. 23 '10

looks more like 3 n construction...but i like this bugger..:)

Norbornano Feb. 24 '10

%0D*%3E nitish.b - why you say 3 construction, there are 4 graphic elements%0D*%0D*%3E mcdseven - Similar ? are you shure...

Lecart Feb. 24 '10

There is similarity in concept but different execution. You should wait on more opinions. I like this, however. :)

mcdseven Feb. 24 '10

I still think its similar in concept and execution, regardless, i actually don't have a problem with this, its a very big pond and mines still not signed of, I was just giving Norbornano the heads up, more for his benefit than mine. **Thought on the actual logo i see two very distinct M's? regardless its well executed.


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