Fuck principles

by • Uploaded: Aug. 05 '11


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Description: I hate my principles!
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 2845

Lets Discuss

deiv Aug. 05 '11

negative space...

milou Aug. 05 '11

I don't know about you, but it looks phallic to me.

sbdesign Aug. 05 '11

no eto poka luchee, iz togo chto u tebia est'

JF Aug. 05 '11

That's a dong. It doesn't just *look* phallic, it *is* phallic. And...your own principles keep you from doing...what? You're the one who is the master of your own universe when it comes to personal choice. This design is sensationalistic at best%3B some may even call it pornographic.

sbdesign Aug. 05 '11

It's not so:)*Everything is much easier.*If someone saw his principles on the penis, the phallus must - stand!:)

pavel_kulinsky Aug. 05 '11

Thanks for attention and comments)*First of all in every logo i'm trying to say something through my graphic. porno or not, it's only communication)*


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