Vandyke Bethel's Soccer Academy

by • Uploaded: May. 13 '10 - Gallerized: May. '10


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Description: Logo for an client's soccer school/academy.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 5580

Lets Discuss

emesghali May. 27 '10

looks clean. i dont know if you need the extra skinny white line around the soccerball. maybe just go from the blue border of the ball to the red for a simpler look? regardless looks great!

mcdseven May. 28 '10

Solid work thought I feel the type is weak. Bigger bolder would be my preference.

koma Jun. 01 '10

wow. just got it, very subtle!

ryanlynndesign Jun. 03 '10

I agree with mcdseven about the type- also it could be centered in the blue band a little better.


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