by • Uploaded: Feb. 27 '10


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Description: Although it has slightly divided the opinion of my clients, this logo is being carefully considered for their printing company. I'd welcome any feedback.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2586

Lets Discuss

inet_s51 Feb. 28 '10

Elephants have long memories granted, but elephants have nothing to do with print managment do they ?

Printdevil Mar. 01 '10

Thanks for your feedback guys. Yes it is an elephant and it's true to say that they have little or nothing to do with print management but then lots of animals have been used in marketing that have no relation to the company or product. Here in the UK we have a very successful campaign using meerkats to market insurance.**The letters cpm just fitted together and naturally created the elephant shape and so I ran with it. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed.

Chad Sanderson Mar. 01 '10

%22but then lots of animals have been used in marketing that have no relation to the company or product.%22**Do you have any examples? Even the worst, branstackiest, cliched, hackneyed, incorrigible, animal logo is still somehow related to the company. If the name of the brand was %22memorable print,%22 then I could understand the design. But as it stands...this ain't workin.


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