
by • Uploaded: Jul. 03 '07


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Description: 2.0 secure data storage service
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Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3392

Lets Discuss

chanpion Jul. 03 '07

Another nice one Raja! Good gradients mate and the mark does convey a sense of 'bounded' security. The 'u' and the 'n' in the name looks abit squished compared with the other letters though. Anyhow, overall nice and sturdy pal. Cheers.

brandsimplicity Jul. 03 '07

Nice Raja,but I tend to agree with chanpion..the u and n are buggers to work with..maybe joining the legs.Anyhow great colours and concept.

Thomas Jul. 04 '07

Very nice. Love the colours. Sorry to say the same about the %22u%22 and the %22n%22... May be you could create them by using the %22o%22. I have also another suggestion, may be you could change the last %22d%22 by the first %22b%22 mirrored to increase balance and symetry. Just thoughts about your work which looks, as usaual, great.

KGB Jul. 05 '07

Nice. I agree the U and N look a twinge out of place. I also don't care for the reflection/drop shadow. Still, very nice.

tiko1232 Aug. 28 '07

I like that logo alot. great colors, and style. great work %3B) although I kinda agree with the guys on the %22u%22 and %22n%22. But it's not the big deal :) keep up the good work!!

raja Aug. 28 '07

a revised version can be seen here, thanks for the tips**


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