by • Uploaded: Nov. 14 '07 - Gallerized: Nov. '07


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Description: Online faxing service.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 7877

Lets Discuss

Beklad Nov. 14 '07

I like that there's a arrow pointing to %22fax%22 (XI). Same like your choice of colors, I like it. But maybe you should add a border in case of a white or blue background (something like the old Pay pal logo).

koodoz Nov. 14 '07

This is great! It's strong, bold, forward, positive... etc, etc.**What's the font raja?

raja Nov. 14 '07

lol at glare comment climax ( shiny is the new dull)**I'm just trying to get the job done - thanks for looking guys

raja Nov. 14 '07

its custom type - was based on something I can't remember at this moment

chanpion Nov. 15 '07

Excellent type logo Raja. I can see this still in trend in years to come. Nice job bud.

firebrand Nov. 15 '07

This is very strong and timeless.

AlexWende Nov. 17 '07

Great logo! The concept reminds me a little bit of fedex, I like it!

MoonboxDesign Jan. 11 '08

This is one of my most favorite identities on this site.*I definitely think leaving it all lowercase was a good idea.*The A connecting to the F and the X and the little shine*on the word fax are all great features. Excellent work Raja!*

Web Designer Portfolio Feb. 09 '08

No concept, but it looks fantastic! Score!!


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