This ID was created for the great folks over at Jive Software. This applicatoin runs \'transparently\'. It takes down the walls found in online communication. I want to express the idea of \'seeing through a space\'
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ReplyOHHH SHIIIIT! LOL... i know i shouldnt be laughin raja but... lol.. thats jus too funny!!!
Replylol - nido - the resident comedian
Replyknock knock...
Replywho's there
Replyhello from South africa
Replythis is not your best logo, your other stuff is amazing though
ReplyHoesit, my brah!
ReplyThis was one of few that recently got selected for inclusion in the book titled LogoLounge - Master Series - Shapes and Symbols**And clarizen, the company that was using an identical logo(see post earlier), got sued and since removed the logo...sometimes it all works out.***happy ending**
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