Blu Leone

by • Uploaded: Sep. 27 '06 - Gallerized: Aug. '10


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Description: ident for a clothing business I am starting up
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 19775

Lets Discuss

raja Jul. 20 '09

This logo, amongst a few others from this showcase was just selected to be published in %22Animals and Mythology%22 the second series in the new Logo Masters volume.

marvin k. Aug. 27 '10

I'd buy a shirt :) Great work, Raja!

Mikeymike Aug. 27 '10

nice work, raja. but what else is new.

nido Aug. 27 '10

yeah... the third lion in the middle is a fantastic touch... if intended... or not for that matter...

logomotive Aug. 27 '10

Yeah Raja, was that Intentional? either way cool.Little less detail would have probably worked better for clothing BIZ (embroidery) NO?

oronoz ® Aug. 27 '10

WOW I didn%B4t notice the third lion!! Amazing!!

bitencourt Aug. 27 '10

WOW%B2 is the third lion intentional, Raja? :D

adambomb Aug. 27 '10

Hmm... Tails %3D nose? Or am I looking at it wrong? I suppose that could be seen as a face of some sort. I'm not necessarily seeing another lion, though. If anything, maybe a pug. Heh.**

Noetic Brands Aug. 27 '10

Nice one Raja. Although historically lions have symbolized financial industry but your design could be a breakthrough :). Grats!

palattecorner Aug. 27 '10

idea and execution is perfect..congrats

bilebo Aug. 28 '10

Looks great! Just can't help but thinking they are two homophobic lions who accidentally touch tails and both going %22hey!! wtf you doing??%22 %3B)**Is it a lions face in the middle or what am I missing? :)

bilebo Aug. 28 '10

Sorry, didn't mean to make fun of your design. Just my late night mind working in mysterious ways..

cerise Aug. 28 '10

Fantastic stuff mate, missed this one

filipev Aug. 28 '10

Looks great raja. I also see a snake or something of a kind between both tails :)

dannyfranklin Aug. 28 '10

I'm in agreement with Bilebo. Are these leon's more than friends?

S.vanElderen Aug. 28 '10

One off these lions has been 1 hell of a job. Very very nice logo!

milou Aug. 29 '10

The third lion in the middle must be there, I see it every time I look at it. Solid job Raja.

sbdesign Aug. 29 '10

Raja, ty taki dalbaeb

raja Sep. 04 '10

thanks for looking**the third lion head was not intentional..but when I saw that it could be formed, I designed accordingly.**This is an illustration I did in high school based on some old heraldry in one our history books ( I should have been reading the book).**Years later, I pulled it into Illustrator and ran an autotrace then did refinements - and a copy-paste for lion number 2 **Thanks again!

Noetic Brands Oct. 01 '10

Oh look..!! There is a Mickey Mouse on the nose of the third lion too :D... This design is full of secrets :). Great stuff Raja!

raja Oct. 26 '10

hidden Mickey's haha


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