Hansen Instruction

by • Uploaded: Nov. 29 '08


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Description: This was designed years ago for a neighbor who ran a driving instruction school on Hansen Road.
As seen on: www.rajasandhu.com
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4169

Lets Discuss

epsilon Nov. 29 '08

Wow .. perfect concept! Once you know what the business is, the mark just clicks in place.

saawan Nov. 29 '08

%22One more example%22:http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/41394 to elucidate the fact that minds of designers think alike!*

penflare Nov. 29 '08

wonderfully simple - great job

raja Dec. 02 '08

thanks for looking guys!**saawan, I guess I took the low road haha

OcularInk Dec. 02 '08

Nice design, dude. Cool how you got the 'i' in there too. Why is the type gray? Would it look better if everything were black? After all, black is the new black.

raja Dec. 02 '08

Thanks Kevin, you are right, it would look better. I just did a print-screen and pasted into the logopond template without looking twice as I was going through some old stuff.**And yes, black is back!

METIME Jul. 14 '10

might lose the aerial view of the road look?

OcularInk Jul. 14 '10

The I, to me, should be secondary to the road imagery. If you move the top part of the 'i' up, I think you'll lose that aerial view has METIME has pointed out.

raja Jul. 14 '10

this guy runs a trucking business now - been a while**thanks for your thoughts..interesting about the i, I had it notched up slightly just to give it some motion, I didn't think more of it as the H is what he wants people to see on his giant car magnet lol**

logomotive Jul. 14 '10

Dudes a road hog if you ask me.

jennyb Jan. 26 '11

Awesome work, definitely worth more than 16 floats


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