This company is in the field of digital forensics and have approached me for a revamp of their current identity. The mark is meant to be enigmatic and mysterious. If that makes sense!
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Lets Discuss
should mention this is a work in progress...
ReplyLove how you worked out the 4/2 combo. Very cool, dude.
Replydoes 42 have a story behind it? like how you have tried to incorporate the mystery aspect to this one.
ReplyFrom the client, the 42 is was a phrase from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.**%22wiki article%22:,_the_Universe,_and_Everything%23Answer_to_Life.2C_the_Universe.2C_and_Everything_.2842.29**Thanks!
Replythis logo makes me understand the meaning of life!
ReplyLol @ Nido! Thanks for the link Raja!
ReplyGreat design,looking forward to see where you take this.
Replypure awesomeness
Replycommon...%22pure awesomeness%22 does not describe this piece. (you're too nice) if this was done by a think he'd get the same feedback? IMO, not a chance. but I guess we'll never know%3B)
ReplyGood point Bella! But I've also come to learn that one earns a reputation...
ReplyHi Bella, I am sorry you feel that way. Is there anything I can do to help you?**Speaking personally, I have never changed my feedback on a logo based on whether it was designed by 'newbie' or not, in fact, I rarely look to see who the designer is. My reaction often comes from a gut reaction to a thumbnail of the logo.**If there is work of yours you feel is not getting enough attention, just point it out, people will be more than happy to comment.**Direct us to your showcase.
Replylolz thanks Tonfue
ReplyI almost want to see this as a movie production logo, coming up at the beginning of a Ridley Scott sci-fi thing...I like the mysterious quality. Visually arresting right from the start.
ReplyCool perspective moverdrive, I can see where you are coming from, thanks.
ReplyChannel 4 meets BBC Two.*Although, maybe the mark looks a bit more, extra-terrestrial.
ReplyIt would also work for optical store :D Or a horror movie)
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