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Dude this is so sweet!
ReplyOh man! *okay, that is stunning... I've filed it with all the 'brilliance with simplicity' we've come to expect from you raja
ReplyWow -- that's really sharp. Certainly captures forward motion, arrows, dynamics, all that sort of stuff.
ReplyHad a suspicious feeling this was one of your babies raja.**Another 'amazing' classic.
ReplyWhat other tricks do you have up your sleeve?! :-)
Replyto be honest i dont get it at all! whats the concept behind it? is it a work in progress? the mark looks messy %26 in my opinion it doesnt go with the text, thats my opinion though %26 yeah where is the GO? it all looks a bit rushed to me :s
Replythanks for the kudos guys
Replynido gave kudos? :%5EP
ReplyI'd like this more if the V's were all converging to the same point as the front red one. It looks too warpy as it is, with the negative space as is (all you did was clone the shape and shift it, rather than slide their converging point to match the red's.. ) Any explanation on why?
Replyyes - this is still in progress - I wanted to post here to get a sense of first impressions from the sharp eyes of the logopond community - I am working on 'cleaning it up'**Kulthouse - the co. has there equal divisions - VAVA is the portal brand. The name is based on an Indian expression that means wow
Replyright Nido %3B)
Replyup until you explained that raja i thought VAVA was as in VAVA-VOOM (ever heard of thiery henry???) but VAVA as in 'VAVA! BHOTH VADIYA!!! ok now i get that bit! all the best with this bro, my bit of advice would be 'CHUCK DE PATE'!!!
Replyballe balle shera
Replycan somone please explain this logo? i feel totally left out of the loop %3D(
ReplyI appreciate the excellent design but also don't get the story behind logo. Ok, the logo is V letter and it reminds me on the boat/arc , is it a boat or what?
Replyjackg, zharzone, thanks. The concept is just an abstraction of a V treated like a ribbon(flexibility) that also shows the concept of moving forward. The brand is made up of 3 equal divisions hence the three identical shapes. The goal was mainly to create a 'big brand' identifier that can be recognized globally.
ReplyThis logo made me look at it all the time! You have a great showcase raja!
ReplyHEy Raja, I think this is a really striking logo! well designed! Don't you think the v on the left must line up with the mark?
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