Objem idej_no.5

by • Uploaded: Jul. 01 '09


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Description: Critics are very welcome and appreciated as well. Thanks in advance! :)
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1167

Lets Discuss

Runce Jul. 01 '09

Ok, this one is a slightly different version as the following one:*http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/69185

alldesign Jul. 01 '09

Very nice logomark! Love the font, too. What font is it?

Runce Jul. 01 '09

Thank you :) I think the base for the logo is FuturaTEEMed, if that helps you.

holmesy76 Jul. 04 '09

It reminds me of this one:%0D*%0D*http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/68332%0D*%0D*As it has a the rigidness of the coloured geometrics within a fluid shape

Runce Jul. 05 '09

Hmm, thanks for your comment, but I wasn't inspired by the logo in the link you gave me :) But it looks nice, though.*Thanks :)


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