Chinese Medicine

by • Uploaded: Jun. 13 '08 - Gallerized: Jun. '08


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Description: A logo for Dr Eddy's TCM practice based on a gingko leaf, a symbol of longevity. The five leaves, representing the Five Element Cycle, are arrayed to create a "sakura" in the negative space to signify Dr Eddy's specialised use of pain-free Japanese stye accupuncture.
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Lets Discuss

fogra Jun. 13 '08

Very nice. Might work better without the circle device though.

Sailendra Jun. 13 '08

Thank you!!! My client wanted to use the enclosure. My original design was open! I showed him your comment and he's acquiesced to my initial suggestion.**Any advice on fonts? Dr Eddy I think prefers san serif fonts.**Regards**Indra

fogra Jun. 13 '08

Optima might work? Or another semi-serif font as a compromise...might complement the mark better.

itsgareth Jun. 13 '08

This is really nice. My only worry is that the colour scheme doesn't scream medication. Feels cold, which makes the sakura look like a snowflake.

Kwaku Jun. 13 '08

Looks great. Excellent shapes and well colour balanced

dariux Jun. 13 '08

MMm fonts? maybe more rounded and dark color. Looks great!! Congra!! Best regards.

.phoenix Jun. 13 '08

I would say green would fit the symbol much better.

Sailendra Jun. 13 '08

Thanks very much for all the advice, creative people! **I wish I'd stumbled on this site earlier. I've missed working in a studio where you can get some constructive feedback when you find you're stuck or feel like you're rehashing the same design proclivities.**Green was my first choice because it represents the %22wood%22 element in Chinese medicine theory. However, my client felt that too many TCM practitioners used green or the ubiquitous yin yang symbol and wanted to differentiate himself from his colleagues. Blue, representing water, seemed the best alternative. The other colours of the Five Element Cycle were yellow (earth), white (metal) %26 red (fire), which I tried and created a Chinese chop effect for submission. The %22water%22 element governs the kidneys, which basically stores our life force in TCM. Since Dr Eddy specialises in male fertility, kidney function is supremely important and was chosen as a result. Whew! I learned a lot on this job!**I'm loosing the enclosure and will try some of the fonts you suggested. Fogra, I like the idea of a semi serif font, which I think is a great compromise. I bought my first legal copy of Creative Suite (don't tell anyone!) so I'm limited to the fonts in Illustrator at the moment.**Kind regards to all for the invaluable input.**Just a question: do you guys submit your %22conservative%22 (read - don't particularly like) concepts to your clients? So far, I've found those are the one's they seem to gravitate to. I have to work pretty hard to reel in the ego to give the client what HE wants rather than what I want! Do you guys have the same problem?

OcularInk Jun. 14 '08

%22Submit only what you're happy with, because the client will inevitably fall in love with your least favorite concept.%22**I can't stress this enough. It's 100%25 true. Every time. %3B-)

Sailendra Jun. 14 '08

Thanks guys. I was beginning to come to that realisation myself. **How many concepts do you tell a client you're going to present? I sometimes feel like they want to %22get their money's worth%22 and see quantity for their money.**I've had situations where I'm following some clients' whims when I know they'll end up liking my initial concept anyway. Any comments?

OcularInk Jun. 14 '08

Your best bet is to have a few different packages to choose from. And I'd explain to the client that quality is much better than quantity. I'd rather have one Ferrari sitting in my driveway, rather than 3 mediocre cars. In addition, explain to your client that it takes to time to generate great ideas, so I'd rather present to you 3-6 solid logos, rather than present 16 logos that I'm not completely happy with. They'll understand and appreciate it. :-)

Sailendra Jun. 14 '08

Thanks OcularInk. I'll take your advice on-board.

gthobbs Jun. 14 '08

What OC said.**However in my agency days there were times (%2410,000 logo projects) where we presented the power of selection (30 comps in round 1). When a corporation is spending that much they do want to feel an exhaustive approach. However for most budgets that I work with %24750 to %242000 somewhere in the 4 to 8 range is where I land.

OcularInk Jun. 14 '08

%22However in my agency days there were times (%2410,000 logo projects) where we presented the power of selection (30 comps in round 1). When a corporation is spending that much they do want to feel an exhaustive approach.%22**Good point, hobbs.

gthobbs Jun. 14 '08

Though that being said...95%25 percent of the time I can honestly say that out of 40, 50 or even 60 always came back to one of my first two ideas/executions for the final.

OcularInk Jun. 14 '08

Haha...I know, dude. It's funny how that works out. Trust the GUT!

Sailendra Jun. 15 '08

Fogra, *I think Optima was great compromise. I outlined the font and rounded the serifs to complement the mark's rounded features. **Must say it's refreshing talking to others on the same wave-length. I've just started designing again after a long hiatus. The only creative feedback I get are from my housemates, who think either every thing's great (when I know there is something wrong but just can't seem to put a finger on it), or if there is something wrong with the design can't articulate the problem with a creative solution.**Thanks again to ALL for your comments. **Peace**

.phoenix Jun. 15 '08

I think that logopond should have a forum where we could discuss issues like this further... I love the comment system but it still seems somewhat limited. **And Sailendra, I totally understand that you would change the color, at least after your description. Great job!

mr2creative Jun. 15 '08

Great design but a little light on the color. Would be nice to see some gold and red examples and maybe a hint of a gradient in the symbol. Nice one!

dejavoo Jun. 25 '08

i mark not to be forgotten


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