Soma Water

by • Uploaded: Jun. 14 '08


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Description: A logo I designed last year when I was trying to launch a new cause-driven bottled water where a percentage of the profits went to supporting the needs of children from developing countries through Plan Australia. Sadly the finance fell through, and when Coke jumped on the humanitarian bandwagon with their Pink Ribbon Campaign, I thought how can I possibly compete. :) I designed a funky bottle with a lotus base as well.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 11610

Lets Discuss

JayKay Jun. 14 '08

Soma! Awesome Smashing Pumpkins song :-)*

mentelibre1 Jun. 18 '08

transmite movimiento y se capta rapido la idea pero las lineas blancas de la silueta estan muy delgadas


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